Jesus Christ is my

Coral Ridge Ministries
Special Report

The truth about adoption by homosexuals is appalling.....

Children of gay couples are more likely to be confused about their own sexual identity, more likely to engage in homosexual relationships, and more likely to be promiscuous, according to an April 2001 report in American Socialogical Review, and reported by Ken Conner, president of the Family Research Council.

Author: The JavaScriptSource

Skewed stats
Many previous studies of the children of homosexuals have been skewed by the pro-homosexual bias of the researhers and by slipshod research methods, according to Timothy J. Dailey at In a study of nearly 50 empirical studies on same-sex parenting, Lerner and Nagai report "gravely deficient" research techniques. Yet the conclusions offered in these studies have not been rejected because of pressure in the social science professions to be "politically correct."

Stats that fool you
"Let homosexuals adopt, because there are half a million children in foster care." This is a clever but specious argument. The truth is, only about 20% of these children are candidates for adoption, and many of these are unlikely to be adopted by anyone, homosexual or otherwise, due to medical complications. The real barrier to adoption from a legal standpoint is the complicated body of regulations preventing married couples from adopting. It is common wisdom that there are more married couples seeking children to adopt than the system, as it is set up now, can handle.

The Negatives are many
A sociology professor named Dr. Sotirios Sarantakos conducted an investigation comparing school performance of children raised by homosexual couples to children raised by hetersexuals. Children in homosexual households scored lower in verbal skills, vocabulary, composition, and basic math skill; they were less likely to be involved with sports and other group activities; and they were regarded by their teachers as introverts and loners. Furthermore, the homosexual prarents were less likely to visit or volunteer at the children's schools, or help with homework.

Just as stable as you family?
Some argue that children find as much stability in homosexual households as anywhere else. But researchers Saghir and Robins, in Male and Female Homosexuality, found that the average male homosexual live-in relationship lasts only two to three years. The landmark study Sex in America found an enormous difference in lifetime fidelity rates between heterosexual and homosexual couples — demonstrating a basic incapacity for faithfulness in homosexual relationships. Domestic violence is higher in homosexual household too.

It has now been documented through various studies that children in homosexual households are more likely to experiment sexually and to engage in homosexual behavior than children in heterosexual households.

Author: The JavaScriptSource

The old “gays don't recruit children” argument doesn't hold. And a shocking 29% of the adult children of homosexual parents reviewed in one study reported being subjected to sexual molestation by a homosexual parent (compared to a six-tenths of 1% incest rate with hetersexual parents).

Studies show that children in heterosexual two-parent homes have long-term advantages emotionally, academically, behaviorally, medically, and even financially.

Subtle differences
Children need the trational two-parent environment, writes Glenn T. Stanton in CitizenLink, for a variety of reasons which are not always obvious: mothers and fathers parent differently, play differently, communicate differently, address risks and boundaries, differently, discipline differently, and more.

The Law is clear
Florida is one of the states that bans adoption by homosexuals. A recent decision by a Forida judge, declaring that there is "no fundamental right to adopt" and ruling against a homosexual man who wanted to adopt a child, unleashed the current firestorm.

The often liberal European Court of Human Rights has also recently ruled that French authorities did not engage in unfair discrimination when they prevented a homosexual man from adopting a child. The court cited " the possible consequences of children being brought up by one or more homosexual parents."

In the children's own words, the damage of homosexual parenting is heartbreakingly evident....

A study called Children of Homosexual Parents Report Childhood Difficulties, by Paul Cameron and Kirk Cameron, reviewed 57 "life-story narratives" of children with homosexual parents published by L. Rafkin (Different mothers; sons and daughters of lesbians talk about their lives) in 1990 and L. Saffron (What about the children? Sons and daughters of lesbian and gay parents talk about their lives) in 1996. A few excerpts:

"....I don't tell other kids about my mom. At school it kind of bothers me because when we play or tell stories, there's always a mom and a dad... What really bothers me is when my friends come over and then they get into if I know my dad. So I tell them no, not really... I ask my mom about my dad but... you see, I wonder about him. I don't know where he is... When I grow up I want to live with someone; I don't know if I want to get married and I don't know if I want to have kids."
—girl, 7, California

".... There is some cover-up that kids of lesbians have to do, because otherwise you are accused of being gay yourself."
—boy, 16, Chicago

I live "with my two moms...[D] lives upstairs with her girlfriend. L lives downstairs... I live both upstairs and downstairs. I didn't know my dad until... last year ... He lives with his lover Tim nearby... Before I was born, L and D lived together, but after they broke up they decided they both needed their ouwn space. I think they broke up before D was pregnant. D has a girlfriend now, and L said she might want to have a girlfriend soon.... I have a sister who lives in New York. L had her a long time ago and she gave her up for adoption...."
—girl, 10, San Francisco

"One day when I was about six, I woke up in the middle of the night from a bad dream, and I looked in the bedroom and saw R and my mom sleeping together... I was sort of scared. It felf funny. I didn't know if it was okay or not. I just found out they are gay, officially, two years ago.... I never talk to my sister about it, because we don't feel comfortable talking.... I consider this a really big secret. I dont' feel like anyone is trustworthy. I dont' think that if my best friend knew she would ever come over to spend the night anymore.... Once I told my mom that she'd have to choose between me and her lover.... She said she wished I wouldn't make here do that. I couldn't believe that she didn't just say, 'Oh, of course, I'd choose you."
—girl, 10, Kansas City

"I really flipped out. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to like her and live with here as a regular mom before.... Four different girlfriends, and I got to know them all.... My dad doesn't know that my mom is a lesbian. I think if kids at school found out about my mom, they would tease me.... I went to the gay and lesbian parade. I saw men in women's costumes and women in men's costumes. It was weird. This made me confused.... It wasn't fun for me to find out my mom was a lesbian."
—boy, 10

When I was seven, my "mother called me and T, my brother, into her bedroom. We saw A — the women who had moved into our apartment two weeks before — lying next to Mother in the queen-size bed. Mother rolled onto her side and said, 'I want yout to know that A and I are lesbians. That means that I'm married to A the way I used to be married to your father. But you can't tell anyone about this....' Most lesbian couples we knew stayed together between three and five years. Mother could never stay tied down that long. She changed lovers every year to 18 months. We moved a lot because mother always lived with her lovers.... Every year she apologized for being a lesbian, for making us keep her secret, and for changing lovers like shelf paper.... I an bisexual. I don't know if living with my mother had influence on this or not. [Mother said] after observing me all those years, 'You're following my example.'"
—woman, 21, New York City

"... Since my parents had sex with the same sex (my mother with other women, my stepfather with me), I had not understood that homosexuality was wrong.... I was 12 at the time. [I] would be left with other lesbians who said horrible things to us. I distinctly remember a woman telling me, 'You are a most despicable thing on earth because you are nothing but a future man.' for me, this kind of hatred ruined my life."
—man, 27

"... I just remember thinking that all lesbians felt the way my mother felt about everything. If that were true, then all lesbians would talk about men as crude, destructive, dishonest, sleazy creatures that were really not supposed to exist. They were a mistake.... [My mother] called my sister and me 'baby dykes,' making us wear those small handcrafted lesbian signs she had made for us by a local lesbian jeweler. Both my sister, M, and I have always been extremely resentful of that.... I felt I was cheated out of a normal childhood.... At age 9, I earnestly asked my mom for my own checking account and a small apartment...."
—woman, 20 "... I hated being different from my friends. I dont' want my children to go through what I went through.... I always wished that I had a family with a mum and a dad together like the majority of my friends...."
—woman, 33


Jesus Christ is my